This is a clock that tells you the time by highlighting text in a block of text. In this case using a C# Console App. Not exactly original, but I thought I’d give it a try.
The progress bar counts the time until the next 5 minute mark.
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; namespace TimeTextSquare { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { TextClock clock = new TextClock() { Colour1 = ConsoleColor.Green, Colour2 = ConsoleColor.DarkGray }; Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.WindowWidth = 15; Console.WindowHeight = 8; clock.Time = DateTime.Now; while (true) { Console.Clear(); clock.Time = DateTime.Now; //clock.Time = clock.Time.AddMinutes(5); Console.Title = clock.Time.ToLongTimeString(); clock.WriteTimeSquare(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); } } } class TextClock { readonly string[] clockText = new string[] { "ITSMATENQUARTER", "TWENTYHALFIVEVE", "PASTOMELEVENINE", "EIGHTWELVESEVEN", "TENTHREEFIVESIX", "FOURTWONEOCLOCK", ">>|>>|>>|>>|>>|" }; public DateTime Time { get; set; } public ConsoleColor Colour1 { get; set; } public ConsoleColor Colour2 { get; set; } List minuteHighlightStrings = new List(); List highlightStrings = new List(); string hourHighlightString; bool highlightFirstA = false; void SetTimeStrings() { minuteHighlightStrings.Clear(); highlightStrings.Clear(); hourHighlightString = ""; highlightStrings.Add("ITS"); if (Time.Minute < 5) highlightStrings.Add("OCLOCK"); else if (Time.Minute < 10) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("FIVE"); else if (Time.Minute < 15) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("TEN"); else if (Time.Minute < 20) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("QUARTER"); else if (Time.Minute < 25) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("TWENTY"); else if (Time.Minute < 30) { minuteHighlightStrings.Add("TWENTY"); minuteHighlightStrings.Add("FIVE"); } else if (Time.Minute < 35) highlightStrings.Add("HALF"); else if (Time.Minute < 40) { minuteHighlightStrings.Add("TWENTY"); minuteHighlightStrings.Add("FIVE"); } else if (Time.Minute < 45) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("TWENTY"); else if (Time.Minute < 50) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("QUARTER"); else if (Time.Minute < 55) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("TEN"); else if (Time.Minute < 60) minuteHighlightStrings.Add("FIVE"); if (minuteHighlightStrings.Contains("QUARTER")) highlightFirstA = true; if (Time.Minute < 35 && Time.Minute >= 5) highlightStrings.Add("PAST"); else if (Time.Minute >= 35) highlightStrings.Add("TO"); int hour = Time.Hour; if (Time.Minute >= 35) hour++; if (hour > 12) hour -= 12; string[] hourStrings = new string[] { "TWELVE", "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR", "FIVE", "SIX", "SEVEN", "EIGHT", "NINE", "TEN", "ELEVEN", "TWELVE" }; hourHighlightString = hourStrings[hour]; } public void WriteTimeSquare() { SetTimeStrings(); Console.ForegroundColor = Colour2; for (int lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < clockText.Length - 1; lineCounter++) { string lineText = clockText[lineCounter]; for (int charCounter = 0; charCounter < lineText.Length; charCounter++) { string remainingText = lineText.Substring(charCounter); bool found = false; foreach (string highlightStr in highlightStrings) if (remainingText.StartsWith(highlightStr)) { found = true; Console.ForegroundColor = Colour1; Console.Write(highlightStr); Console.ForegroundColor = Colour2; charCounter += highlightStr.Length - 1; } if (lineCounter